Microsoft Azure

Microsoft AzureMicrosoft Azure
  1. and Microsoft Azure . IBM and others also have designs on the market .


  2. Apple had previously acknowledged using Amazon Web Services ( AWS ) and Microsoft Azure 's rival cloud computing platforms in addition to its own data centres .


  3. In terms of where we 're at today , we 've got about 57 % of the Fortune 500 that are now deployed on Microsoft Azure .


  4. According to Microsoft 's Azure web site , Python is one of the tools and languages to be supported by Windows Azure


  5. And Microsoft has developed Windows Azure .


  6. Microsoft will release SQL Azure Federations which will support sharding at the database level in2011 .


  7. Perhaps more significant , Microsoft is now running azure , its recently unveiled " cloud computing " platform , from the Dublin facility .


  8. Microsoft has opened Windows Azure to many other non-MS technologies in an attempt to lure companies and developers to deploy their applications on the Azure cloud rather than on their competition ' s.
